
Earned awards

Only those with this badge are real administrators. Don't hesitate to report any fake ones.

Award earned on Fri 14 Jun 2024 - 17:40 - 6 members
User Support Initiative

The User Support Initiative is a part of the staff. If you find any impersonators, don't hesitate to report them!

Award earned on Fri 14 Jun 2024 - 17:47 - 4 members
Government Official

Only those with this badge are part of the government as high-profile politiants or public servants.

Award earned on Fri 14 Jun 2024 - 20:12 - 5 members
Office of the President

Those with this badge are in the Office of the Republic's President and are high-profile politicians.

Award earned on Fri 14 Jun 2024 - 20:15 - 3 members
Chat Moderator

Only those with this badge are real moderators. Don't hesitate to report any fake ones.

Award earned on Fri 14 Jun 2024 - 20:17 - 4 members
Earned awards
Only those with this badge are real administrators. Don't hesitate to report any fake ones.
User Support Initiative
The User Support Initiative is a part of the staff. If you find any impersonators, don't hesitate to report them!
Government Official
Only those with this badge are part of the government as high-profile politiants or public servants.
Office of the President
Those with this badge are in the Office of the Republic's President and are high-profile politicians.
Chat Moderator
Only those with this badge are real moderators. Don't hesitate to report any fake ones.
Admin friends